The Shape of a Corner
August 15 — November 13
Yellowstone Art Museum
Keeara Rhoades, Margins and Arm Ends (a stabilizing Mother’s arm) and Girl with Porcelain Doll, video still from, The Shape of a Corner.
Within The Shape of a Corner, context is a container for relating and framing a horizon, that when cropped at the margin or folded at the intersection, can expose, hide, or identify. It is a Mother’s arm reaching into the frame to stabilize her child for a long exposure portrait or a ground plane cracked like clay terrain over dry lands. Blur might disguise like the fog-dense horizon that erases slightly; or an encampment structure providing a place to hide; or spinning ourselves into a dizzy might shift focus. Ice blocks conceal objects frozen inside until they melt, and the quilted “whitescape” masks identity like the Mother beneath the blanket in Victorian Era long exposure photographs (visually silent in the shape of a chair), there again to stabilize while light exposes line and time with her luminous skin pressed against vellum or light-sensitive emulsion to preserve a memory or speak a dream (not always what it seems and sometimes more real than reality): a picture that preserves You and Me for eternity.
We breathe when we speak. Not the same as, We speak when we breathe.
Artist in Residence Keeara Rhoades and the Yellowstone Art Museum present, “The Shape of a Corner". This immersive multimedia installation includes a stop-motion animated film, lyrical soundscape, photography, and artificial intelligence generated backdrops for interactive photo portraits. In the gallery, Rhoades pushes the boundaries and expectations of art and viewer experiences.
Opening Reception & Artist Talk, Cake with Keeara
Thursday, September 22 — 5 PM reception // 6:30 PM artist talk
The Armature Support Throne “cracked mud burnt forest throne spiral stairs steps dried lakebed bridge chair” and “fog cracked clay” and “cracked clay stairs trees throne corner”
Backdrop for photographic portraits made by blending ai-generated images, created by feeding words from screenplay into GAN image generator.
While Artist-In-Residence
Lost on eBay
Lost on eBay: “ANTIQUE DAGUERREOTYPE CASE Girl with China Doll HAND TINTED PICTURE”, ai-generated images (1 through 9) unique sequentially generated images. Produced using eBay auction description of a Daguerreotype photograph that I lost in bid for $366.79 + $10.90 shipping.
Let’s Mask a Face
“Let’s Mask a Face”, asks participants to record their unmasked faces while watching the 18-minute video featuring animation techniques for expressions of face and impressions of time. The submissions will feed meta-narratives within, “The Shape of a Corner”. Created for the Yellowstone Art Museum, Virtual FAM at the YAM September 4, 2020.
Let's Mask a Face Keeara Rhoades, Yellowstone Art Museum Artist-in-Residence 2020** I really want to see your face. Please post your video captures online wi...
#MEMEWarfare (no meme can be better than another meme unless those meme’s collide) s/mashes human compulsions, both reckless and resigned, into a speaking machine: speaking prose and proceedings while spinning a hard candy bullet and a banana peel to slip on. It is a “redrum” intervention with a Mark On The Wall.
Mixed Mashed Smashed analogue cassette tape recording mash-ups from original writings and sampled media, translated using Text-to-Speech Digital App with modified voice pitch and speed, record player, object assemblages, and photographs) #EpsteinDidntKillHimsel #BananaWall #MEMEwarfare #HungerArtist #Shape-of-a-Corner #ImpeachmentTrial #The-Mark-on-the-Wall #HorizontalEllipsis
Kirks Grocery, MIXX Artist Collective, “Reckless” Exhibition, FEB-MAR 2020.
[VIDEO #NancyTheRipperDidn’tKillAmerica]
(live feed capture: #NancyTheRipperDidn’tKillAmerica written in red lipstick next to a roll of duct taped adhered to the wall with banana bundle produce tape).
I have something to tell you
(a children’s story for grownups) unabridged
(audience clip)
“I have something to tell you” (a children’s story for grownups) unabridged”, artist talk and performance, Kirks Grocery, “Wednesdays With” (March 11, 2020), a 60-minute performance with set design, costume, multi-media camera, projection, and sound manipulation. It is an assemblage story formed by extracting lines and segments from children's literature, and weaving a re-contextualized narrative connected through theme or subject.