[ documentation coming soon ]
The Prize Inside
(Redshift Waves, Arcade Gaze, & Other Things)
3-channel video panorama (video still) from, The Prize Inside (Redshift Waves, Arcade Gaze, & Other Things): We Reside Where Ghosts Are Born (inside an elastic “Warp Zone”) We Divide Between Foul Lines (cloaked, veiled, invisible) but Just a Step Ahead of the Vultures We Hide at the Periphery of the Gaze (I apologize) Blind Spots Instant Happy Childhood Memories Quarter Machine Dopamine (hard, unwrapped, unchewed) Dubble Bubble and a DUM-DUMS Sucker What You Don’t Know Won’t Hurt You When History Rhymes Rather Than Repeats But it said, “UNBREAKABLE” Arcade Games, & Cracked Clay Terrain Before it was a Rainforest A Wave and a Stream Orange Rubber Band (cannot affect your horizon but time is longer on my side) “Grow Your Own Man”
The Prize Inside
The Prize Inside (Redshift Waves, Arcade Gaze, & Other Things) Imagines The Collectable All The Things We Think We Need Like Pink Plastic Hair And A Comb Fragment Inscribed “UNBREAKABLE” It Is A Dynasty Cast With Soap Opera Expressions Inside The Maze Where Ghosts Are Born A Momento-Mori Extended In Pose A Mother Veiled To Steady The Gaze Another Reminder Of Where We Hide Feeling Time Caught Between An Event And A Horizon The Red Light Waves Move Slow Black Holes Tug While Redshift Pulls Blindspot Rewind Back To The Maze Where History Rhymes Rather Than Repeats Instant Happy Childhood Memories Blind Leading The Blind Searching For The Door Expanding Time Like “Assemblage 34”: The Number 3 Wax Birthday Candle With Previously Lit Wick And Four Yellow “Peeps” Bunnies Wrapped By A Deflated Yellow Rubber Tube Used For Tying Animal Balloons
Cracked Clay Terrain with The Prize Inside assemblages (placed on Photogrammetric Scale with cross non-coded markers for 3D modeling) 40”x40”
3D object renderings for animation and AR (Augmented Reality) Activate 3D object digitized through photogrammetry for AR using app and transpose onto image as interactive.
The Prize Inside: Hidden Mother
[insert] “Hidden Mother” 4x5 inch tintypes from Victorian era Photography
titled what they encase
(titled what they encase) silver gelatin (double weight Hahnemuhle fibre) prints made from product packaging molds
%>% COCO Nugget Blast (mini cereal box, perfect size for Prize Inside!, a Recycled Toilet Paper Mache’ Presidential Bobble-head toy) Large print as component interaction with AR objects to activate the Pac Man game on the back of the cereal box.
score <- pres_votes %>%
pres_score <- voet_fn <-pres_votes %>%
summarize(pres_matches = sum(vote==pres_vote,na.rm=T),
pres_votes = sum(!is.na(pres_vote)),
pres_there_for = sum(!is.na(pres_vote) & !is.na(vote)),
score = round(100*ifelse(2*pres_there_for >= pres_votes,
pres_matches/pres_votes, NA),1))
rc_vote <- read_csv(vote_fn)
rc_desc <- read_csv(desc_fn) %>%
rollcall=sprintf("V%04i",rollnumber)) %>%
[Insert exhibition documentation and performance]
(Rocking) White Noise & Suppose You Stub Your Toe
White Noise & Suppose You Stub Your Toe (Rocked), multi-media Installation
Felted wool, wire, elastic thread, ropes, pulley’s, surveillance camera in “Demo Mode", live-feed projection feeding from gallery exterior case into gallery space. 11’ installation 2008 / 2019
Viewer activated puppeteering (seated in rocking chair, chair connected via rope/pulley’s to puppet external of gallery space / rocking activates puppet movements that are transmitted via live-feed video projection into the gallery) visible to the “rocker” seated in rocking chair, showing/watching puppeteering movements as result of activating rope/pulley’s connecting rocking chair with puppet.
[ Exterior Cases ]
PAC MAN mini Arcade
plastic packaging mold, elastic string, light
Spotlight through plastic packaging mold to project an impression of the form on the interior wall.